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1. author: Doe JF.
2. authors: Doe JF, Roe JP
3-6 authors: Doe JF, Roe JP, Coe R, Pose M, Hanson T.
6 or more authors Doe JF, Roe JP, Coe R, et al.
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3. Domingo J. Influence of cooking processes on the concentrations of toxic metals and various organic
environmental pollutants in food: a review of the published literature. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2011;51(1):29-37.
Online Journals: Author(s). Article title. Journal Name, Year; vol(issue No.): page numbers. URL. Accessed [Date]
4. Bower J, Ritchie A, Jones S, Bosco P. Effects of a raw food diet on diabetes. Nutr Diabetes. 2012;2-9:12-
23. Accessed October 8, 2013
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