To view which sources are citing an entry in Scopus, look for the following links:
Cited By in Scopus
Links appearing in a document search results list.
Citations in Scopus
A "Cited by" List of and Links to Sources Citing a Scopus Document
On a search results list, you can generate a list of all references cited on a topic (including all references in Scopus journals matching the search terms).
The list is sortable by frequency (the sources cited in the most in this area) and provides links (to full records for the source document).
Quick Instructions
To view citations in all documents on a topic (i.e. a specific Scopus search):
1) On a search results page, choose ALL.
2) Choose View citation overview.
3) Check the years desired.
4) Below the chart, results list sources cited in this literature.
List of sources cited within that topic