When you need to find information on your research topic
Boolean Operators. Boolean Operators are used to connect and define the relationship between your search terms. When searching electronic databases, you can use Boolean operators to either narrow or broaden your record sets. The three Boolean operators are AND, OR, NOT (we are not addressing the last boolean operator).
Searching Databases: basic steps
personal account OR narrative medicine OR storytelling OR eyewitness OR first-hand experience OR autobiography OR testimonials
narrative medicine AND TOPIC (right to die; pediatric oncology; cancer ; Alzheimer's disease; diagnostic errors; postpartum depression)
Torgerson, Beth. “Representing Illness: Competing Religious and Scientific Discourses in Harriet Martineau’s Life in the Sick-Room and Autobiography.” Victorians: A Journal of Culture & Literature, no. 135, Summer 2019, pp. 13–27.