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AccessMedicine: Navigating AccessMedicine


In the Books tab in AccessMedicine, you will find some of the leading current, authoritative text resources organized into categories in the left-hand sidebar, including basic sciences, critical care, endocrinology, internal medicine, family medicine, and many other disciplines.

Check out the library at these links:

Complete Full-Text Library

Archived Textbooks

  • In the archived textbooks page, browse previous editions of textbooks or other books retired from the site. The archive provides access to older editions of textbooks hosted on AccessMedicine for purposes of reference.

Study Tools

The Study Tools tab in AccessMedicine provides: 

  • Review Questions texts which are great for self-assessment with review Q&A designed to help residents, clerks, and physicians. Users can generate random and custom quizzes from the texts, and the results can be emailed. The review texts are organized into basic sciences and clinical practice & board review categories.
  • Clerkship Topics:
    • This curated collection of study materials brings together all clerkship specific resources and covers every major topic of the internal medical clerkship, featuring select chapters and cases from across the AccessMedicine library, including text references, case files, and videos on essential concepts and procedures clerks may observe or assist in during their rotation. 
  • Flashcards: AccessMedicine offers online flashcards to supplement your studies. It's a select set of interactive flashcard content with the following features:
    • Drill down by resource and/or topic to focus in on areas of weakness
    • Track cards you’ve already seen to prioritize studying
    • Save your favorite flashcards for quick review
    • Responsive on any mobile device
  • Play Showdown!: This gamification tool allows the user to challenge peers on their medical knowledge, quiz-bowl style. You and your opponent will battle through two rounds of questions, each with five categories. Like other turn-based games, you can play live or opt in to get email notifications when it's your turn. You can also hone your skills by challenging the computer.


The Drug Monographs in AccessMedicine can be searched, browsed alphabetically, or filtered by generics, trade names, and drug classes. Patient education handouts also are available in English and Spanish. The drug monographs are updated every two weeks.


Auscultation Classroom provides students with the ability to hear an abnormal heart sound, while simultaneously watching a graphic of the intracardiac abnormality that is occurring. The students learn proper auscultation techniques for each murmur. The modules also discuss basics regarding clinical findings associated with the murmurs. This method of learning is designed to help students grasp this difficult concept and solidify their understanding. The target audience includes medical students, NP students, and PA students.

Each module offers an introductory slide, an auscultation points slide, and a final slide. Please ensure that the user has the volume at an appropriate level to hear the murmur. If the volume is low, the murmur will not be heard.

Diagnostic and Imaging Studies includes over 30,000 world-class images useful for diagnosis that can be downloaded. We have more than 70 video clips of foundational diagnostic and imaging studies in five different specialties.

Harrison’s Pathophysiology Animations explain complex pathophysiology concepts in new and beautifully animated, easy-to-understand brief videos. Each episode covers a disease mechanism. Running time of each is a student-friendly 4-8 minutes. Nationally regarded educator Scott Stern, MD, from the University of Chicago wrote and narrated each episode, giving our series authenticity often lacking in other medical animations.

Harrison’s Podclass provides illuminating and engaging discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes from the acclaimed Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review. The episodes are a user-friendly 4-8 minutes in length. AccessMedicine is mobile optimized, so you can open in a browser and listen on-the-go. Currently features over 100 new audio and podclasses.

Complete Human Anatomy Modules:

These interactive modules allow for visualization of the human body in an interactive, 3D format where both Male Complete Anatomy Module and Female Complete Anatomy Module can be viewed. Choose a module and then utilize the options on the left-side of the screen to learn more about human anatomy.

Anatomy Module Features:

Expand: Provide your learners with more space to immerse in your interactive 3D experience with our new Expand mode. When embedded on desktop or Android (not available on iOS), learners can now expand the browser to span the entire screen without having to leave your page or open a new tab.

Tools: We're introducing a dedicated, and more scalable, toolbar that will promote exploration of the 3D model. "Dissect" is now called "Hide," and we're now giving users access to the "Fade" effect from Human Studio which will allow you to make a structure transparent. Dissection for removal by layers and structures, object tree, tools to identify and rotate.

Help: We've dramatically improved our "Help" experience with richer graphics that show learners on how to interact with the model and a comprehensive 3D interaction key that changes based on the device the learner is using (desktop or mobile).

Anatomy Descriptions: Learners will now have the option of reading more about specific anatomical structures as they explore. When available, individual structures will be linked to Wikipedia descriptions, which are generally sourced from Gray's Anatomy.

Anatomy Search: Learners will now be able to search for specific anatomical structures in your model by name or browse through all of the structures contained in the model in the Anatomy Tree. They can then click on the name to locate and zoom in on the structure in the model. The Anatomy Tree is now contained within the new Anatomy Search tool (right side of the search bar, tree icon).

Reset: Refresh the 3D model without having to reload the page.

Human Anatomy Tours:

  • These focused, 3-D modules guide medical students through systems-based tours of the human anatomy, helping them to learn human anatomy in a systems-based, interactive format. Launching with 7 modules/tours, additional modules/tours will continue to be added to the collection throughout the year.
  • A number of enhancements have been made to existing modules to make them more dynamic. For example, the Endocrine System tour now demonstrates thyroid hormone release.
  • Each module features roughly 7-10 slides.

System Modules:

  • The BioDigital System Modules are live on AccessMedicine.  This is a collection of over 300 interactive, 3-D modules designed to deliver a focused learning experience while also offering a deep-dive into our core foundational textbooks.
  • Users navigate to the modules from the Multimedia dropdown on the AccessMedicine homepage by first clicking "Human Anatomy Modules".
  • The user will then be taken to the BioDigital System Modules landing page, which displays 17 specialties housing over 300 modules. 
  • After selecting a module, the user will note that each module is 3D.  Each module is accompanied by text that was selected individually for the module by a SME from one of our foundational textbooks.  The user can choose to view the reading in context if they would like a deeper-dive.

Lectures are ready-to-view or ready-to-assign for a flipped classroom pedagogy, an online course, or as a knowledge refresher. Pharmacology lecture videos are also located under “Multimedia”, then “Pharmacology”. These lectures include the pharmacology topics of cardiovascular and neurology drugs and basic pharmacotherapeutics concepts.

Patient Interview Videos are of high quality and demonstrate how to communicate with patients in challenging and unusual situations. This resource addresses some of the “softer skills” in medical education and helps to teach emotional intelligence.

Patient Safety Modules will provide you with an introduction to the core concepts of patient safety in an interactive and self-paced learning environment. The current course includes three modules. Each module can be used as a stand-alone tool or as a component of a broader curriculum in patient safety. We strongly recommend that you work through each module (navigable on the left) from beginning to end because the concepts will build on each other within a single unit. The modules include activity buttons and video clips, so please be sure to explore the content available which will help you understand these concepts in your own role within the healthcare system.

Pharmacology video lectures include the pharmacology topics of cardiovascular and neurology drugs and basic pharmacotherapeutics concepts.

Physical Exam videos is a complete collection for the physical exam organized into categories from head to toe.

Procedural videos are available in AccessMedicine. It is the most complete collection of detailed procedural videos online designed to help users through basic and advanced skills procedures, brief interventions, and applications of decision rules. The videos are organized by different categories, such examination and evaluation, physiologic areas.

S2D: The Symptom to Diagnosis Podcast provides a case-based discussion of signs, symptoms and diagnostics tests to improve clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice.

​​​​​​​Run the List Podcast:

  • A medical education podcast designed for medical students, new residents, and all learners looking for a high-yield review in internal medicine. Concise episodes guide listeners through the diagnosis, management, and clinical pearls for common internal medicine problems.
  • Run the List is a popular and established podcast for the medical and healthcare education and training communities. It has earned numerous excellent reviews from listeners for its comprehensive and high-yield discussions on core medicine topics. Episodes are arranged and released in the form of specialty blocks, making it an excellent resource for all those taking care of patients on the internal medicine ward, whether during clerkship, elective, or general training. Each 20-minute episode takes the listener through the practical aspects of diagnosis and management through an interactive discussion with an expert who has a specific focus in medical education.
  • The mission of the host team is timely and on point, to provide “a succinct, high-yield resource that covers the initial steps in clinical decision-making and management of common problems for which patients are admitted to the hospital. While there are multiple available resources that prepare students and trainees to ace exams, there are far fewer that focus on more practical advice for the wards.”
  • New episodes posted every two weeks.

Quick Reference

The Quick Reference section provides clinical reference information for quick lookup, including:

2 Minute Medicine:

  • Expert physician publishing group founded out of Harvard Medical School that provides medical reports of breaking medical literature and seminal studies in medicine.
  • Browse by topics.
  • “Search Within” function is now featured within in 2 Minute Medicine allowing users to quickly and easily find topics without scrolling through archives. Users can type directly within the search bar which utilizes auto-suggest. Auto-suggest can also be disabled according to user preference. 
  • Link to report and original article being reported on.

Differential Diagnosis (Diagnosaurus, DDx):

  • Differential diagnosis information for thousands of symptoms, signs, and diseases.
  • Organized by system, disease, and organ system.
  • Alphabetized, searchable.
  • Links to content in site.
  • Each entry is linked to related entries (“See Related Dx”) to see related diagnoses which is great for facilitating best differential diagnosis.

Diagnostic Tests:

  • Reference manual for medical, nursing, and other health professions.
  • Quick reference guide to commonly used diagnostic tests, including lab procedures in the clinical setting, common lab tests, diagnostic imaging tests, electrocardiography, etc.
  • Over 350 tests.
  • Full citations to PubMed literature.

Goodman & Gilman’s Annual FDA Approvals:

  • This resource represents an exciting new presentation of the Goodman & Gilman’s Annual FDA Approval summaries and can be found under the "Quick Reference" drop down menu on the ACM home page. The content in this feature will be updated annually. 
  • This feature represents a more succinct and easy-to-navigate interpretation of the content for end users to more easily learn the recent additions and changes to drugs.
  • The user will then be taken to a page where the can filter between first-in class agents, first-in class biologics, pharmacological similar biologics, and pharmacological similars. The drugs are arranged in alphabetical order.


  • Current practice guidelines in inpatient medicine and primary care.
  • Brush up on the latest disease screening, prevention, and management regimens for primary care topics.
  • Updated annually.


  • Quick Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (QMDT) provides concise, evidence-based point-of-care resource outlining diagnosis and treatment information for common conditions and disorders in a quick reference format.
  • Based on our popular Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT) title, QMDT provides key diagnostic and treatment recommendations in bulleted format for more than 930 disorders.

Contact Us

For help, please reach out to Customer Success at McGraw Hill at

For institutional accounts:

  • Please reach out to Customer Success for help with a technical issue, an existing institutional subscription, a trial subscription, marketing materials, setting up a training session and more.

For individual subscribers:

  • For help with an individual subscription, please email Online Customer service ( between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST. You may also call 1-888-307-5984 (toll free within the United States).



Cases in AccessMedicine provides materials for short, targeted case-based learning. They vary slightly, but for each case you get a patient history and systems review, short answer questions, clinical pearls, and references. Cases in AccessMedicine are organized into categories and based off different resources. Cases are durable URL-enabled and can be embedded into a course LMS page. The results of the quizzes can be emailed and collected for a grade, e.g. student to instructor.

Watch this brief overview video showing how to link to content.

From the AccessMedicine Channel, McGraw Hill Author Interviews: Maie El-Sourady, M.D., M.S., who opens up about her Vanderbilt Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Outpatient Curriculum on AccessMedicine:

Free case-based learning red paper

This free McGraw Hill red paper reviews the research on CBL and covers: 

  • Advantages of CBL
  • Evidence of improvement in clinical decision-making
  • The effect of CBL on patient outcomes
  • Impact on student engagement and collaborative skills
  • Influence on student retention and application of knowledge
  • Factors required for successful implementation

Hospital Corner

Hospital Corner provides users with curated content from the AccessMedicine tabs that were reviewed and selected for advanced learners at the resident trainee level and above. Resources include selected textbooks, board review and advanced clinical cases and questions, quick reference materials for the point-of-care, and procedure videos to hone intervention skills. The healthcare business titles needed to complete important quality improvement and patient safety projects are only found under the Books tab here in the Hospital Corner.

Patient Education

The Patient Education handouts in AccessMedicine provide:

  • Customizable handouts with comprehensive, reliable healthcare information available in adults, pediatrics, and medicines advisors in multiple languages.
  • If you are signed into your MyAccess profile, you can customize the handout. 
  • The handouts are written at an eighth grade reading level and are updated quarterly.